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Vertical Blinds

Blinds For Windows, Glass Doors & Skylights

Consult with San Jose’s leading vertical blinds installers and get a free estimate

Vertical Blinds

Affordable Vertical Blinds | San Jose CA

Some windows are just too wide for normal, sideways-pointing blind panels to cover without bending or weakening under their weight. The solution? Switch everything around, and have vertical-pointing blinds that swivel and open sideways! Vertical blinds are perfect for long, wall-sized windows, as well as for sliding doors leading out onto decks or patios. Master Window Shade offers you a long list of customization options with our tailor-made vertical blinds and shades, and at reasonable prices. If you live or work in San Jose, we can give your windows exactly the coverings you want for them!

Vertical Blinds For Windows At Home And Work

Most windows are tall and thin, overall, but exceptions can appear just about anyplace. Office, waiting room or lounge, and kitchen windows are the most likely to be longer than they are tall, but they’re not the only ones. Vertical blinds on longer office windows not only fit the dimensions better but also let you adjust which part of the room gets the most shade. If you want sunlight to fall on your reading desk, but not on the computer screens or waiting benches, just slide the blinds into place! For living and bedrooms, you can get softer and more flexible vertical blinds that blend in with the wallpaper and furniture. For kitchens or pool rooms, they’re easier to clean and dry than most alternatives. Vertical blinds can do it all!

Vertical Blinds For Sliding Glass Doors And Patios

Sliding doors have many of the same issues that wall-sized windows do. To be specific, they can let in too much sunlight and outside attention, and they don’t play well with most other types of blinds. By adding an extra set of tracks along the insides or attaching a pole overhead, we can install some sliding vertical blinds to solve that problem! Depending on the style and material, vertical blinds can provide a light sun filter for your glass door, or act as a secondary door themselves.

Metal and Wood Remote Control Motorized Blinds

For the soft, flexible vertical blinds mentioned earlier, you’ll want us to use a soft vinyl or other plastic. These blinds are also the easiest to paint and color, so we can match them to any decoration scheme with no trouble! If you want something sturdier or more imposing, we can make your blinds out of wood, aluminum, or composite materials. Each option has its own perks and drawbacks, so don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you like while getting your free estimate! When choosing the details of your custom blinds, you can also decide if you want them hand-drawn or automatic. Motorized vertical blinds work by remote control, timer, or sensor, and we’ll program them as part of our San Jose installation service!

Vertical Blinds With Curtains Or Sheer Coverings

Master Window Shade gives you the option of plain vertical blinds or ones with extra fabric shades and curtains. Vertical blinds and curtains fit the same type of long, low openings, and working together they can give you some extra benefits. Try thin, sheer curtain fabric with rigid blinds, or soft vinyl blinds with blackout curtains, to give yourself a broader range of sunlight options. If curtains are too much trouble, you can always just have us put a sheer layer over the blinds themselves.

Vertical Blinds Installation In or Near San Jose

Master Window Shade offers its services to all nearby areas. Want to have custom vertical blinds made for your home, office or other commercial business? All we need is a time and address, and we can send one of our experts over for a free consultation. Get your new vertical blinds into production as soon as you customize the design you want. Set up a free estimate appointment and see what sorts of beautiful and functional window treatments you can get for your property.


When you need the right window coverings for your home or office, think of us first. Just leave your contact information below and an expert will return your call soon!


Our design team is known for guaranteed customer satisfaction, outstanding service and competitive pricing. For perfect blinds or shades for your home or office, give our friendly experts a call.

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Feb 18, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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